I will try to regularly take photos of my facial changes. My surgeon said it will take a full year to see my “true face”!

Liquid Diets…

This seems to fascinate most people. How can a person live on a liquid/”no-chew” diet for 8+ weeks?!

I’m actually doing pretty well in this area. However, I can feel boredom creeping in. It’s getting cold (it’s November) and I really am not digging smoothies. My fallback is Ensure, Boost, or the equivalent. They actually taste good. If you want my opinion, the Ensure Chocolate takes the top prize for taste. Then Boost Cinnabon flavor. I have not ventured into vanilla as that is not usually my thing. I love soups as well. Any soup blended works very well. I’ve done that multiple times. I also enjoy bone broth and will add Vital Proteins collagen as an added protein/nutrient source.

It may look or sound gross, but I will often blend whatever my family is eating for supper. Tacos, lasagna, even pizza! Typically I add a little bone broth to liquify it and use my immersion blender. It’s amazingly good.

Here is my “pizza”. I pan-fried the toppings, added cheese, used Bloody Mary mix as my liquid, blended, and voila!

Everyone likes to assume I’m losing a ton of weight…I’m really not. Not really sure why not, other than that’s my body for you (I’ve never lost weight easily). I try very hard to get at least 1200 calories a day. I never in my life thought that would be hard! I don’t really love having people ask me about my weight anyway, so I just thought I’d put it right out there on the blog. I’m within 2 lbs of when I got back from Florida 2 weeks ago. Weight loss is not my goal here anyway–healing and enjoying a better quality of life is.