Days 1-3

Morning after surgery.

We were released from the hospital midday the day after surgery and went directly to the surgeon’s office. We heard the words we’d hear many, many more times the rest of our stay here: “You look fabulous. You’re doing way better than expected.” I don’t know if I agreed with the looking fabulous part, but as a dental surgeon myself, I know how giddy I get looking at a perfect flap closure that is healing, so I can only guess that is what he meant by “fabulous”. More of an artist looking at his art.

I had my jaws/teeth banded together 24/7 at that point, and my lips were swollen, but also wouldn’t close all the way. My nutrients came in the form of Ensure or Boost in a soft-tipped syringe. It was not easy. I was mandated to get at least 1400 calories and I definitely failed the first couple days. I think I would’ve been attempting to suck on that syringe for 10 hours straight to get that many calories. Water was my best friend though. I couldn’t get enough. So I didn’t have any problem with dehydration.

Chiropractic care is also an integral part to the treatment at the Piper Clinic. Dr. Hobbs examines and treats specifically the upper cervical region of the spine before and after surgery. There were also prescribed stretches I needed to do before and after surgery. I was a bit nervous to have chiropractic adjustment right after surgery, but it was nothing like my “usual” semi-violent neck adjustments and I am impressed how good my neck and back felt even early on–especially being on my back for surgery for 12+ hours.

Day 4-7

On Monday after surgery, I was able to have bands removed so that I could brush the inside and outside of my teeth and test out my jaw opening. I won’t lie, I had a little bit of fear my jaw would just fall off, but thankfully it didn’t. The routine for the rest of the week was a morning visit to the surgeon’s office where they’d check all my incisions, my vitals, as well as the distance I could open my mouth. My opening on Tuesday was 13 mm. Of course I had to ask what the ultimate goal is for me. Dr. Shah explained the arbitrary goal is approximately 30 mm. This measurement is the minimum that a dentist needs in order to do treatment if needed. He said he hoped we’d be there “eventually”. Of course, I went to work doing my prescribed stretches that day and the next day, I was already up to 22 mm! Boo-ya!

Other than the morning office visits, Derek and I would keep up with my prescribed walks around town. We rented a house in the Historic Old Northeast area of St. Petersburg. It has brick streets and is very quaint with adorable historic homes. The neighborhood also has really gotten into the Halloween spirit, so it has been fun to see the many decorations. We’ve done some walking along the water as well. St. Pete’s Pier has been one of our favorite places to visit. Yesterday we visited the [Salvador] Dali Museum–also a highly recommended stop if you are ever in the area.