About 5-6 years ago I was really in-shape. I ran 3 half-marathons and a handful of sprint triathlons. From there, I transitioned into a lot of weight training. It was fun. My “Why” for being so in-shape was that I could always say “yes” when friends wanted to go for a hike, a walk, a run, a bike ride, whatever. I didn’t have to be embarrassed by my huffing and puffing.

Slowly as my jaw-joints got worse, this was taken away from me. I won’t blame my slow slide out of shape solely on my joints, but the difficulty to breathe definitely contributed to the cycle of unhealthiness. Physical activity became harder. I became heavier. Physical activity became even harder and the cycle continued. I no longer wanted to say “yes” when friends asked to do physical activities. I was too embarrassed. I was gasping for air during bike rides that used to be fun.

I’m currently about 6 weeks out from my surgery. I am feeling great. I have started biking again (I have an indoor spin bike) and am doing classes with Apple Fitness+ (Full disclosure I get a whole lotta nothing for that plug). And I can BREATHE. I can bike hard and get a great workout without feeling like I’m dying. I’m enjoying exercise again. Not because I’m trying to lose weight or look a certain way or even because I want to do a triathlon again. But just to be healthy. Because that is what this is all about. To gain life. To live a healthy life. It’s a great feeling.