This blog thing is going super great. I apparently didn’t double check the domain name and purchased rather than I guess I could’ve spelled “Jawsome” more like “Jawesome” as well. Regardless, I failed big time. So then I couldn’t let it go and had to purchase as well. My “little side hobby” just cost me $60 more bucks because I can’t proofread.

Also not Jawsome and much more Jawful was that I got my surgical orthodontic wires on today. Major ouch. Every tooth hurts. My jaw joints hurt. I can’t touch my teeth together without sending shockwaves through my cranium. Schwab Orthodontics has been super through this process (and I promise to go a little more into the pre-surgery orthodontics sometime soon), but ouch. ouch. ouch. BUT, this is the LAST wire change before surgery!!

Braces suck, but I try to make it fun by letting my girls pick my colors each time.